The services listed below are but a small sample of all that we offer. Please call our service department for any additional service needs and rate questions. We thank you for your business!

Check Over ($50.00)
Inspect overall condition of bicycle and make recommendations on any upcoming service needs
Check chain wear
Adjust brake and shift cables
Confirm proper torque on critical fasteners
Basic Tune-Up
Recumbent - $115.00
Tri-Bike - $140.00
Inspect overall condition of bicycle and make recommendations on any upcoming service needs
Clean(wipe down) bike
True wheels(adjust spokes)
Lubricate brake and shift cables
Adjust brake and shift cables
Confirm proper torque of critical fasteners
Detail Tune-Up
Recumbent - $150
Tri-Bike - $175
All items included with basic tune-up
Removal and installation of rear cassette/ freewheel
Removal and installation of crank arms
Removal Front and rear derailleurs
Removal of brake calipers
Cleaning of entire drive train and calipers
Basic Overhaul
Recumbent - $250
Tri-Bike - $250
All items included in detailed tune-up
Headset, crank and wheel bearings removed overhauled and reinstalled
(Any new parts required are an additional charge)
Supreme Overhaul
Recumbent - $310-360
Tri-Bike - $360
All items included in basic overhaul
All cables and housings are replaced(parts included)
Bar tape replaced
Bearings replaced